WORKOUT LOG (1/23/2011-1/30/2011)
Date: 1/23/2011
Training Session
A lot of rotator cuff exercises.
^^^ A lot harder than it sounds.... lol
Date: 1/24/2011
Stairmill- lvl 8 for 5mins, lvl 14 for 25mins
How I felt:
My trainer asked me to do this on Friday, and I ended up not getting back to the gym that night after session. So, monday comes, I'm feeling refreshed, and, generally speaking, when my trainer gives me an assignment, I do it. So, I get on the stairmill and plug into my earphones and hop too! The longest I had ever done lvl 14 for prior to this was about 7mins. So, I wasnt sure how I would feel about 25. Needless to say, I did it! But was basically ruled brain dead for a good 2hrs afterwards. But, I felt fine!
Date: 1/25/2011
Treadmill- 4.0mph @ 10.0 incline for 5mins,
7.0mph for 10mins
8.0mph for 5mins
9.0mph for 5mins
How I felt:
This was awesome actually. It seems that more often than not, in the past, my knee starts to complain at any speed over.... 8.4-ish. Well, today, 9.0 felt fabulous. It was very relieving and inspiring and motivating that maybe my knee is getting the hang of this running thing. Well, running fast, that is.. So, good sign!
Date: 1/26/2011
Day off.
Date: 1/27/2011
Treadmill- 4.0mph @ 10.0 incline for 5mins,
7.0mph for 10mins
8.0mph for 5mins
9.0mph for 5mins
How I felt:
I decided to do this one again because it just felt awesome! I was a bit tired though. Wednesday, instead of working out, I started to clean my apartment. Well, I get into this mode where I become super anal cleaner. Yeah. It kept me up until about 3am and I've had a 6:15am wake up call for 2 weeks. So, Thursday was taken as a sick day basically after my 4hr job site visit. I slept for 3hrs and then headed straight for the gym! And it still felt awesome! I did start to feel a discomfort on the back inner part of my knee, that I have not felt before, and would come and go, but other than that, I felt great. Sweet!
Date: 1/28/2011
Training Session -
jump squats w/ weights
shoulder break downs
lat break downs
(no, i do not know technical names)
Evening Worktout:
Stability ball weight crunch-
60lbs, 3x40 full, 3x20 1"
Decline sit ups - 2x15, 1x20
Treadmill- 7.0 for 15mins
9.2 for 2mins
Stairmill- lvl 14 for 20mins
How I felt:
The training session worked me good. I felt pretty spent afterward, but refreshed as well. The cardio workout at night. Was rather funny actually. All systems were a go. When I got done, it took me about 2mins to walk about 30ft. And about 5mins to walk to my car that was just around the corner. I sat in my car for probably 10mins, not moving because I couldnt fathom moving any body part. I must have looked dead in my car. I reached for my water bottle, only to start crying when I found out it was empty. Lol. Man, my brain really left my body for those 10 minutes. Because I couldnt function! Thats sometimes the best workout though! Saturday is my last day of workouts before taking a week off. I'm still not sure how I'm going to get through the week. But hopefully my strength of mind will keep me from going to crazy.
Date: 1/29/2011
Decided to start this today rather than push in some more workouts. Decided, just suck it up and take the week off already! It's like the last goodbye. Sometimes its better to just go. You know? haha
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